Vuma Levin Quintet & AM.OK
South African guitarist, composer and thinker Vuma Levin presents "The Past Is Unpredictable, Only The Future Is Certain" (DOX records) in collaboration with AM.OK.
In "The Past Is Unpredictable," Vuma Levin reflects on our shared history and collective memories, inspired by the events in Johannesburg during the first lockdown. Through his music, Levin references the influence of those in power on the writing of our shared stories. He concludes that it is only in interrogating these stories that we may begin to address imbalances in power. Using traditional indigenous musical traditions as a starting point, Levin and Dutch composer Tijn Wybenga explore these stories in a search for a new, equal working method. They fused the musical history of the North and South into new music for the quintet, joined by the AM.OK strings and horns. Allow yourself to be taken on a journey through rural areas and hinterlands of the Eastern Cape and Kwazulu Natal, the townships of Soweto and Khayelitsha, accompanied by the sound of the modern Amsterdam jazz scene.
Vuma Levin Quintet
Vuma Levin componist, vocals, guitar
Bernard van Rossum tenor sax
Xavi Torres piano
Marco Zenini bas
Jeroen Batterink drums
Tyn Wybenga dirigent, arrangeur
Alistair Payne trompet
Nabou Claerhout trombone
Federico Calcagno basklarinet
Pablo Rodriguez viool
Yanna Pelser altviool
George Dumitriu altviool
Pau Sola cello
Special guest
Vernon Chatlein percussie
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